Student Stories

Meet Malachi Duckworth

Advancing in Sports Medicine with the Bernadine Hermann Scholarship

Malachi Duckworth, a dedicated student from Raymond, has been selected as the recipient of the Bernadine Hermann Scholarship. This scholarship, established through the estate of former Grays Harbor College employee Bernadine Hermann, is supporting Malachi’s educational journey as he pursues a degree in sports medicine.

Malachi’s passion for sports medicine and commitment to physical fitness have guided his academic path. He chose Grays Harbor College for its strong emphasis on academic excellence, supportive faculty, and a diverse student body. With a goal to become a physical therapist, Malachi is eager to take advantage of opportunities such as internships and research projects available at GHC.

In his letter of thanks, Malachi expressed profound gratitude for the scholarship, highlighting how it will alleviate financial pressures and allow him to concentrate fully on his studies. He is excited about the prospect of transferring to a four-year university and advancing his career in sports medicine.

The Bernadine Hermann Scholarship reflects Bernadine Hermann’s legacy and commitment to supporting students at Grays Harbor College. Malachi’s success embodies the impact of such generosity and the ongoing support for future generations of students.

Consider leaving a legacy like Bernadine Hermann’s to support future students at Grays Harbor College. By creating a planned gift, you can make a lasting impact on students like Malachi and help ensure that they have the resources they need to succeed. For more information on how to make a planned gift, please contact the Grays Harbor College Foundation. Your support can make a difference for generations to come.

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